George Grimm-Howell
I'm an active member of First Unitarian Church of St. Louis and a human resources consultant. I live with my wife and children (and too many pets to count) in Webster Groves, Missouri, a historic town in suburban St. Louis.
First Unitarian offers ample opportunities for congregation members to fill the pulpit during lay lead services throughout the church year. This has afforded me the opportunity to write and deliver several sermons and worship services. My own spiritual journey has only just begun, but I feel increasingly called to explore the spiritual side of life, and I'm delighted to discover that there is a wealth of spirituality just waiting to be discovered in our everyday relationships, in our built environments and in a nearby park or nature trail.
Learning how to capture and share these everyday spiritual experiences are a wellspring for my own spiritual growth. I'm always in search of companions for the journey.
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A big thank you to my mother, who has inspired me with her poetry writing. And a special thank you to Rev. Thomas Perchlik who, perhaps without knowing it, has opened my eyes and heart to a new world of spiritual possibilities, grounded firmly in Unitarian-Universalist principles yet boundless in its fearless exploration.