Partner Church
This page is dedicated to my dear friends and fellow Unitarians in the beautiful land of Transylvania

Unitarian Church in Csókfalva, Transylvania
Photo credit: Lázár Levente
A Pilgrim's Prayer
O God, who inspires the pilgrimage of seekers:
Help us to find our roots, that our branches may grow wider.
Help us to find inspiration, that we may be called to a purpose greater than ourselves.
Help us to find community, that we may grow and work together to secure our faith, and our faithfulness, across continents and generations.
In the majesty of Transylvania’s mountains, may we find a higher and broader perspective.
In the splendor of the verdant Transylvanian valleys, may we find our own connection to rooted human communities.
In the fresh cracked walnut shared in a village garden, may we find a communion of earth and life.
In the plodding pace of the farmer’s horse-drawn cart, may we find the gift of time for quiet reflection.
In the paring and chopping of garden vegetables for the daily soup, may we find nourishment for our souls.
In the farmer’s daily pairing of plough and palinka, may we find our own daily measure of toil and pleasure.
In the steady, step-by-step climb to the hilltop citadel, may we find the serenity of patient anticipation.
And in the sweet song of church bells, may we find a gentle invitation to find our way home.